Subject Index

This will be an irregularly updated area where you can find out how often certain topics were brought up on the show.  We will add to it as new topics occur to us.  We'll also take requests.


Even if the biggest stars of the day never appeared on the show, that didn't mean they couldn't be topics for Secrets.  From the man who made Jack Benny a toupee to the man who gave John Lennon a "normal" haircut, Secret producers found ways to bring the stars to the show without bringing them on the show.

The Beatles: 553, 561, 658
Jack Benny: 5, 129, 159, 204, 266, 407, 511, 531  (Benny appears in the last one!)
Marlon Brando: 117, 269, 305, 597
Jimmy Durante: 77, 187 (Durante appears!), 271
Grace Kelly: 218
Marilyn Monroe: 57, 67149, 153
Elvis Presley: 210, 219, 293, 334