354     September 30, 1959
Bill, Betsy, Henry, Bess

Two very specific firsts on this show.  Bristol-Myers joins as a sponsor for the first time, alternating with the continuing Winston sponsorship.  Also, Betsy and Bess switch places, creating for the first time the panel order that would become the usual lineup for the rest of the Garry Moore era.    

George Gardner and Robert Nash from Vincennes, Indiana: “We’re watermelon seed-spitting champions…I won the title for distance…I won the title for marksmanship” 
The panel is enjoying watermelon during the questioning.  Today, seed-spitting contests are a common feature of county fairs and other agricultural exhibitions.  There’s even something called the USWSESSC, the U.S. Watermelon Speed-Eating and Seed-Spitting Championships.  Here, it’s still something of a novelty, so much so that a small Indiana town can claim “World Championship” distinction.  The panel participates in their own spitting challenge.