31   Recorded January 25, 1973

Pat Carroll, Henry Morgan, Anita Gillette, Richard Dawson

Gordon Hiltbruner from Zigzag, Oregon has with him a piece of heavy-duty cloth: “It’s a horse diaper”

Hiltbruner is a logger who works 400 acres of US Forest Service land around the Bull Run reservoir near Portland.  To protect the quality of the watershed, his two teams of horses are required to wear canvas diapers. Hiltbruner designed the diapers himself and in a newspaper story called them “99% effective.”  In that same article, an overenthusiastic spokesman for Portland’s Bureau of Waterworks says that the biggest remaining pollution problem is deer, and “they’d have diapers too if we could catch them.”   

Tara Sheldon from Washington, DC won a date with a man in England: “He’s the tallest man in Great Britain” (7’5”)

Sheldon herself is a strikingly tall (6’4”) model and beauty queen who is the reigning Miss Tall Universe. Even by the standards of that pageant, now known as Miss Tall International, Sheldon remains today among the very tallest of their champions.  Her date was with Christopher Greener, who is in the studio and appears after the game.  Greener took advantage of his enormous height to play some international basketball and to appear in a handful of movies, including The Elephant Man (1980), in which an unusually tall performer was required.  Sheldon won a contest put on by the National Enquirer, the well-known supermarket tabloid, which published a photo story of their date.