215     December 19, 1956
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Patricia Cutts

Cutts (who also appeared on the panel three weeks ago) is an attractive young British actress who worked steadily if not spectacularly in films and television throughout the 1950s.     

Mr. X: “I just picked the pockets of the audience” 
Vic Perry was a British performer known as “The World’s Greatest Pickpocket.”  He also worked as a mentalist and slight-of-hand artist.  Primarily, he was a showman.  The imposingly built and fashionably dressed Perry performs part of his act with three of his studio audience victims, who were almost certainly plants working for Perry outside the knowledge of the Secret staff.  Executive producer Gil Fates recounts his somewhat exaggerated memory of this incident in his book What’s My Line?     

Mr. Y: “I won 2 gold medals at the Olympic Games in Australia” 
Tom Courtney is dressed in his military uniform.  PFC Courtney won gold in the 800m and in the 4 x 400m relay. His 800m showdown with Derek Johnson of Great Britain (Courtney won by .13 seconds) left both men so exhausted that the medal ceremony had to be delayed.  Australia being in the southern hemisphere, the Summer Games had only recently taken place.    

Special Guest Vincent Price 
Price has poster-sized blow-ups of Christmas cards that were sent by famous people, and the panel is asked to guess who sent them.   With little to go on in each case, the panel flounders through a dull segment.  Garry mentions that Price is gaining a reputation for his knowledge of art, a reference to his appearances at the time on the quiz show The $64,000 Challenge.