205     October 10, 1956
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Faye

Celesta Geyer from Orlando, FL: “I lost 433 pounds” 
Mrs. Geyer was the sideshow attraction “Dolly Dimples,” billed as “The World’s Most Beautiful Fat Lady.” She worked her way up from small traveling circuses to eventually working for Ringling Brothers.  At one point she weighed 555 pounds.  She had a heart attack in 1950, after which her doctor gave her the simple advice, “diet or die.”  That phrase would become the title of her 1967 memoir.  She would live into her eighties.   

Special Guest Orson Welles has predicted the winner of the upcoming presidential election 
Welles is today considered one of the most brilliant and innovative filmmakers of all time, but in a rocky career with many setbacks, he was not above taking on almost any low-brow project to pay off mounting debts.  This would be particularly true in his later life.  Here, he claims to have predicted not only the winner of the election, but his electoral vote total and popular vote total to within a small range.  His sealed envelope is to be opened after the election ( E209 ).  After the game, Welles performs various clairvoyant tricks in the remaining time.   

Garry brings out [Freddy Renucci], who was to have been the third contestant, but they ran out of time.  Renucci would appear five weeks later. ( E210 )