134     May 4, 1955
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Faye

Country Fair Special   

Phil Yazdzik and Charles Pfister, the two power eaters from last week’s show [ E133 ] compete against each other in a pancake eating contest, Mr. Pfister’s specialty.  Yazdzik would win the competition 47-46.  Yazdzik received $100 in his winning effort, and Pfister received a consolation prize of $99. 

JE Wallace from DeLand, Florida: "I've sculpted a cow out of butter"
Wallace is a specialist in this very specific art.  Between the butter (flown in from Buffalo) and the steel frame (flown in from Michigan) the sculpture will weigh in at 600 pounds.  Wallace started working on the project earlier in the day.

A Purdue University professor has a watermelon that is unusual because: “It has no seeds” 
Production of a seedless watermelon had been a goal of horticulturalists for much of the 20th century.  Efforts began to bear fruit in the late 30s with prototypes grown in laboratory settings in Japan and the American Midwest. A graduate student at what was then called Michigan State College claimed the first successful one in 1938.  It wasn’t until the mid-fifties that the tools for creating seedless watermelons were beginning to make their way into the commercial market, so this melon seemed magical to a TV viewing audience.  Widespread commercial production of seedless watermelons really didn’t take off until the 1990s. 

This episode has not been reviewed.  Details come from alternate sources, including thumbnail descriptions of the episodes in GSN documentation.  Except where noted, “secrets” are not exact quotes.