247     August 7, 1957
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Faye

Hal March hosts

David Geer from Jewett City, Connecticut: “I’m the world-champion woodchopper” 
Geer had recently defended his title at the Timber Carnival in Albany, Oregon.  He demonstrates his prowess onstage.  Geer continued to make a name for himself in the woodchopping field, especially around his Connecticut home, well into the 80s.    

[William J Martin] from New Rochelle, NY: “I delivered diapers to Hal March’s house today” (For his new baby boy) 
March’s wife Candy gave birth to baby Peter on July 14.    

Special Guest Ricardo Montalban 
Montalban acts out American idioms (such as “bend an ear”) literally, in a delightfully clever segment.  Montalban became a star in his native Mexico in the 1940s before coming to Hollywood and making a name for himself, mostly in B-pictures and television.  Later in his life he would gain even greater fame as Mr. Roarke on the TV series Fantasy Island, as well as the villainous title character in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982).  Here, Montalban is about to appear on Broadway in the musical Jamaica.