204     October 3, 1956
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Ann Sheridan

Dr Robert W. Keast from San Rafael, CA: “I am holding my breath” 
With the panel blindfolded, Dr. Keist submerges himself in a tank of water and Garry answers on his behalf. Keast stays underwater for more than five minutes.  His record is ten minutes and 58.9 seconds.  In the summer of 1958, Keast would set a mark of 13 minutes and 35 seconds before retiring from the activity.   

Larry Kurkdjie from Hollywood: “I give Jack Benny violin lessons” 
Along with his stinginess and his insistence that he was 39 years old, Benny’s inept violin playing was one of the cornerstones around which he built his comic persona, but he took the instrument seriously and was quite good.  Kurkdjie worked with him for decades.  In addition to giving Benny lessons, Kurkdjie was typically the one playing the violin in the days of Benny’s radio program, leaving Benny free to hold his script. 
Special Guest Paul Newman: “I sold Henry Morgan a hot dog at the World Series today…And he doesn’t know it.” 
The future acting legend is introduced by Garry as “one of the newer Hollywood stars.” He had appeared in television dramas but was still anonymous enough to go undetected at the ballpark, for example.  Newman had just finished only his second film, Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956), in which he starred as boxer Rocky Graziano.