409     November 23, 1960
Bill, Betsy, Henry, Bess

Nine students, who appear on behalf of the entire student body of PS 80 in Manhattan: “We adopted and support a Korean orphan” 
The students raised the money themselves by selling pens. The school sponsors an orphan through the Foster Parents Plan, today known as Plan International.  The organization began in the 1937 when it was founded to help children in Spain.  Its mission, and name, has evolved over the decades to address the needs of children throughout the world.  Today, Plan International also sponsors the “Because I Am a Girl” campaign to fight gender inequality.   

Frank Corbin, vice-president of McCarty Associates, the show’s PR firm: “I’m going on a diet – starting tomorrow” 
The panelists are all familiar with the rotund Corbin, who is enjoying a Thanksgiving feast during the questioning.  Garry agrees to pay him the $80 in prize money he won – but only at the rate of $2 per pound of the 40 pounds he intends to lose.  Garry promises to keep the audience apprised of the developments.   

Special Guest Peter Ustinov: “I’m going to teach the panel how to carve a turkey” 
Ustinov reads from prepared instructions, but admits at the end that he’s never actually done it himself.  The prolific actor, author and director is still fairly early into his career here, a career that would eventually lead to Emmy, Oscar and Grammy awards among many other accolades.  Here he has two books to promote: a picture book called Ustinov’s Diplomats (Globe Photos 1960) and his debut novel The Loser (Little Brown & Co 1960).