38   Recorded March 8, 1973

Pat Carroll, Henry Morgan, Anita Gillette, Richard Dawson

Miss A, Mr B, Mrs C and Mr D: “Our names are Pat Carroll, Henry Morgan, Anita Gillette, Richard Dawson”

Carroll is a publisher from Hollywood, Morgan is a Supervisor of Parking at UCLA, Gillette is a teacher and cello player, and Dawson is a Deputy City Attorney for Los Angeles.  

[Rob Ferrone] from Cherry Hill, New Jersey and [Charles Lutz] from Tuscon, Arizona travelled from Tuscon to Chicago inexpensively: “We shipped ourselves by air – in a crate”

The two men tell a tale of traveling to visit Ferrone's sweetheart in Chicago for a three day weekend.  They offer a lot of detail about their flight, but many questions are left unanswered, such as how they returned to Tuscon and why they tried the dangerous and illegal stowaway stunt in the first place.  Their story is also not corroborated by any contemporary reporting (or subsequent storytelling) that we can find, despite the fact that the subject of "human mail" is popular enough to warrant its own Wikipedia page.  We have our doubts.