37   Recorded March 8, 1973

Pat Carroll, Henry Morgan, Anita Gillette, Richard Dawson

Dan Goodman from Mill Valley: “My car is covered with grass”

Goodman’s car is part of a publicity stunt to promote Ortho Dichondra Weed and Feed.  Dichondra is a small green plant that was popular in Southern California for many years as a grass substitute, but let’s not get picky.  The ad agency that came up with the idea enlisted folks who usually work on the Rose Parade floats to help them pull this off.  Held together by chicken wire, the grass adds an additional 3000 pounds to the weight of the car, and it takes two men to lift the hood. As a final flourish, the hood ornament is a pink flamingo nicked from a past float. Nicknamed the “Green Queen,” the car is a 1951 Mercury, selected by the ad agency because it has the least difficult contours. Goodman, a real estate man by trade, tooled around Southern California as “George Green,” a character also featured in radio ads for the product.  The car was to be auctioned off for charity once the campaign came to an end.  

Robert Moon from Crestline: “My nephew walked on the moon”

Moon’s nephew is Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, who appears after the game for a chat.  Aldrin was the second man to set foot on the moon, moments behind Neil Armstrong as part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.  Unlike the publicity averse Armstrong, Aldrin relished the attention he received from being a moonwalker.  After leaving NASA in 1972, he appeared frequently on talk and game shows, and as himself in many films and TV series.