603     April 19, 1965 (Taped March 29)
Betsy, Bill, Bess, Henry

[Bob Corbett] from St Cloud, Minnesota purchased a new car: “My son was born in the car…While the car was still in the showroom”
Corbett and his wife were on their way to the hospital.  When they knew they weren’t going to make it in time, they stopped instead at the dealership where they had already scoped out a Volkswagen camper, and had the baby there.   

Jack Wheeler from Los Angeles, California is an accomplished young man who brings four Secrets, one for each panelist to guess.  For Betsy: “At age 12 he became an Eagle Scout (one of the youngest in history)” For Bill: “At age 14 he climbed the Matterhorn” For Bess: “At age 15 he won scholarship in state-wide Oratorical Contest” For Henry: “He once played the piano in the Folies Bergere”
Wheeler as an adult would become a professional adventurer.  Among his exploits, in 1979 he would lead a group retracing Hannibal route over the Alps with elephants.  Today, his organization Wheeler Expeditions offers personalized adventures for deep-pocketed travelers.   

Special guest Woody Allen: “I’m going to perform a duet with Bess Myerson (clarinet & flute)” 
Woody is making a name for himself as a comedian after years as a writer, but the general public does not know yet of his lifelong fascination with jazz music, so a segment that was expected to be played for laughs took a lot of people by surprise.  After the break, Steve joins them on trumpet with an additional number.  Woody is about to make his film debut in What’s New, Pussycat? (1965) for which he also wrote the script.  After a disappointing experience on that film, he would thereafter direct virtually every one of his screenplays.