450     September 13, 1961
Bill, Betsy, Henry, Bess

John A Milligan from Detroit, Michigan: “Garry will hold this candle while…I shoot out the flame with a slingshot”                 
Milligan claims to be the Slingshot Champion of the World for the last fifteen years.  This may be hyperbole since there probably isn’t a specific global competition for that title, but he has been traveling the country performing his act for at least that long.  In 1946 he helped the Detroit City Airport with their pigeon problem by taking the birds out with his weapon.  Ironically, a decade later he fought with the Michigan legislature, which banned using a slingshot for hunting.

Special guest Jayne Meadows: “I’m arranging blind dates for Bess and Henry”                 
Henry and Bess were interviewed about their dating preferences by a production staffer weeks ago, and a Univac computer compared those answers to those of other respondents to make matches.  Before the matches are revealed, Henry and Bess interview potential mates and try to guess which one the computer matched them up with.  Computers are still mysterious behemoths (Garry continues to call them “electric brains”) but as early as 1959 were being used to compare answers on written questionnaires to connect potential couples with one another.