268     January 8, 1958
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Betsy

Garry the weatherman: “We had five inches of snow last night, and tonight the city is covered with a beautiful mantle of dark brown slush.”   

Betsy Palmer fills in for Faye.  Whether anyone realizes it at the time or not, she would stay with the show for the remainder of the run.   

A bookkeeper, a mechanic and an accountant, along with their translator Mrs. Ortiz: “We drove here from Argentina in a 1918 Chevy” (18,000 miles) 
Francisco Giusti, Roberto Delfabro and Salvador Tinnirello spent more than six months driving (and sometimes pushing) their jalopy through South and Central America.  The three say they hope to become US citizens, and it appears that all three did in fact settle in the United States. (See E336 )    

Sgt Calvin Wilkinson from Fort Lee, Virginia: “I won a hair dryer in a Bingo game” 
The sergeant is bald.   

Special Guest Richard Boone: “I’m going to challenge Henry Morgan to a gunfight” 
Boone is dressed in the dark colors (and hat) of his Paladin character from Have Gun, Will Travel (1957-1963).  During  the game, the panel can only ask questions using a single word, in the clipped style of TV western characters.  Carl Kress from Garry’s daytime show provides appropriate background music on his guitar.