263     December 4, 1957
Bill, Audrey Meadows, Henry, Faye

Garry the weatherman: “We have about a foot of snow here in New York.”   

Norman Rossen with Atlantic Research Corporation: “I have a rocket in my pocket” (As used to launch VANGUARD rocket) 
Dr. Rossen is head of the company’s rocket ballistics group.  The tiny “pocket rocket” was designed to separate the orbiting satellite from the Vanguard rocket once in space.  At the time, they thought the launch would be later that night, but it ended up happening two days later, and it would be a failure.  Vanguard failed to achieve liftoff and exploding on the platform, putting the US further behind the Russians in the space race, and leading to derisive nicknames for the project such as “Kaputnik” and “Stayputnik.”   We'd eventually get our act together ( E277 ).

Mr X and his interpreter Mr. Wilson: “I’m talking ‘double-talk’ and so is my interpreter” (No language at all) 
Billy Sands, a regular on The Phil Silvers Show, is hidden under a fake beard and glasses as the foreigner.  His babble is being “interpreted” by [Al Wilson], who does most of the talking.   

Special Guest Rudy Vallee
Vallee (or, far more likely, someone on the show staff) has had a psychologist analyze and interpret the doodles the panelists made during an earlier show. Though the analysis of handwriting and similar scribbling dates back centuries, it became wildly popular in the US throughout the 20th century.  There are still people who practice the art, but today it is not generally considered to have scientific validity.