677     February 20, 1967 (Taped February 13)
Betsy, Bill, Bess, Henry

Steve opens the show by bringing out Thor Larsen, a 34-year veteran of the CBS engineering department and longtime stagehand, who is retiring.  Steve presents him with a fishing rod, as he has plans to retire in Florida.   

Bob McGrath from Teaneck, New Jersey: “My recordings of Irish songs are best sellers…but only in Japan”                 
For five years, McGrath was the featured tenor on Sing Along with Mitch, and a visit to Japan while on tour with Mitch Miller is what first brought his Irish tenor sound to Japanese audiences. Here, he performs examples of such standards as “Danny Boy” with Japanese lyrics.  Just a couple of years after this appearance, McGrath would take on his most famous role by far.  Known simply as “Bob,” McGrath would become one of the original human residents of Sesame Street (1969-present).  He remained with the show until 2016 and continued to make public appearances representing Sesame Street until his death in 2022.   

Sir Humphrey Noble and Arthur Primmer from England are in New York to celebrate: “The 60th anniversary of the Boy Scouts…We were the world’s first Boy Scouts” 
In 1907, Noble and Primmer were two of the twenty boys who attended the first Boy Scout camp on Brownsea Island, off the southern coast of England.  The nine-day outing was organized and led by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, now considered the founder of the modern scouting movement. Baden-Powell’s great experiment was to see if young boys from a wide variety of social classes and economic levels could work together.   

Special guest Dina Merrill brings photographs from inside each panelist’s home and has each one try to recall things about the area that was photographed. Steve says that Merrill will appear in the Broadway comedy A Warm Body, which opens in April.  After many delays and four preview performances, A Warm Body would open and close on the same night (April 15), and Merrill was not in the opening night cast. Merrill is the wife of last week’s guest Cliff Robertson, and both of their shows were recorded on the same day.