596     March 1, 1965 
Henry, Lorraine Bloy, Buddy Hackett, Betsy

Bloy is a stewardess for PanAm Airlines, and is the woman chosen from the audience last week to fill in for Bess.   

Frank Paxton from New York City: “I’ve memorized the names of theatres, newspapers, hotels, etc…in almost every city in the United States”                 
Paxton was a young vaudevillian in the 1920s who could astound people with his recall.  He still plies his trade professionally.  Far from merely being able to recite the names of places in whatever city the panel throws at him, he can rattle off specific details such as location and history.   Paxton’s ability seems related to a condition known today as hyperthymesia.   People diagnosed with hyperthymesia, such as the actress Marilu Henner, are usually noted specifically for their ability to recall autobiographical details of every day of their lives.   

Robert Jordan from Mahwah, New Jersey and Robert Jordan from Washington Township, New Jersey: “We met in a hospital maternity wing…we each became the father of twins last week”                 
Wacky childbirth.  The unrelated Jordans did not know each other until their wives went into labor at the same time.   

Special guests Olivia DeHavilland and Bette Davis: “Someone else is answering for us” 
Barbara Heller, a comic actress, singer and impressionist currently starring as Christine Clem in the variety show Jackie Gleason: American Scene Magazine (1962-1966) does the voices of both stars while the panel is blindfolded.   The two screen legends appear together for the first time in the film Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964).  Here, Davis performs the Oscar-nominated title song from the picture.