487     May 28, 1962
Bill, Betsy, Buddy Hackett, Bess

Henry Morgan hosts

Hackett is appearing in The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962).   

John Heitsch from Madison, Wisconsin: “I parachuted into the ocean last week…to help astronaut Scott Carpenter” 
On May 22, after orbiting the Earth three times aboard Aurora 7, Carpenter splashed down in the Atlantic 250 miles away from his target. After forty minutes of searching, with the world holding its collective breath, he was finally located northeast of Puerto Rico.  Airman Heitsch was one of two paratroopers dispatched from the USS Intrepid to bring Carpenter back safely. The other paratrooper, Staff Sgt Ray McClure, appears loaded with the equipment they both used for their jump.   Following controversy over how Carpenter handed his landing, this would be his only trip into space.  He would retire in 1967.   

Mrs. Gerard Curtis from Rockport, Massachusetts: “The furniture in my house is made of newspapers…The house is made of newspapers too” 
The house was originally built as a summer cottage in the 1920s by mechanical engineer Elis Stenman.  Stenman’s wife Esther gave tours of the unusual house until her death in 1961.  Mrs. Curtis is their niece.  After her death in 1995, her daughter Edna Beaudoin would take over maintaining the property, though it hadn’t been used as a residence for decades.  The Paper House, located just north of Boston, remains a tourist attraction today.   

Special guest Jimmy Dean s ings lines inspired by his smash hit “Big Bad John” (1961) but related to the panel, and has the panelists try to come up with extemporaneous rhyming lines.  Henry presents Dean with a gold record, and on May 29, the day after this broadcast, he would win two Grammys for his recording.  Soon after, The Jimmy Dean Show (1963-1966) would be credited with bringing country music to the general public, and was an early showcase for Jim Henson’s Muppets, specifically Dean’s sidekick Rowlf the Dog.  Today, though, he is probably best known for the sausage company he founded in 1969, which still bears his name.  In fact, though he died in 2010, his voice is still heard in some of the company's advertising.