312     November 26, 1958
Bill, Zoe Gail, Henry, Betsy

A special show that pays tribute to senior citizens.  The first two segments below are featured in the ninth anniversary program from 1961 ( E438 ).    

Mr and Mrs Webster Goodrich: "We're newlyweds" 
Both are in their nineties, and met in the retirement home they both live in.  In fact, this is Mrs Goodrich's second marriage since turning 90.  Garry makes a huge fuss over how the show found out that their retirement home didn’t have enough rocking chairs and presents the couple with a pair, only to have Mr Goodrich state flatly that they don’t need them.   

In another segment, Henry competes against a 78-year-old man in a test of strength using one of those carnival game devices that you hit with a mallet to ring a bell.  Henry succeeds, even though the producers thought they had rigged the device against him.  

William Wendland from Winter Park, Florida: "I was the US punching bag champion...in 1903"
Wendland was a prize fighter, but was better known for his prowess with the bags.  In his prime, he could keep nine going at the same time.  The 81-year-old still works out with them several times a week  He earned his 1903 title from the National Athletic Association of New York.  

This episode itself has not been reviewed.  Information comes from that 1961 anniversary special, as well as other sources.  Secrets are not necessarily exact quotes.