249     August 21, 1957
Bill, Jayne, Carl Reiner, Faye

Hal March hosts

Thomas Raccuglia from Brooklyn and several German Shepherd pups: “These dogs are grandchildren of Rin Tin Tin”
The original Rin Tin Tin appeared in some two dozen films of the 1920s and early 1930s. and became an international sensation.  Some of his offspring, and eventually other German Shepherds unrelated to the original star, carried on the Rin Tin Tin name in film and on television.  The lineage of the original remained well-documented.  A breeder named Jack Becker owned Rinny Tin Tin, the great-grandson of the original.  He and Raccuglia arranged a “date” with Raccuglia’s dog Deborah, resulting in a litter of eleven pups.  One of the puppies is given to a member of the studio audience.  Though the show identifies the dogs as grandchildren of the original Rinny, the newspaper article at right indicates that they're actually great-great-grandpups.   

[Renee Keyville]: “I was shipwrecked on an island with forty men”  

Special Guest Marilyn Maxwell reveals “secrets” about the panel 
Among the secrets is that Jayne Meadows was National Peanut Queen in 1955 and that she shaved her head when she was four years old; that Carl Reiner snores and cools his bedsheets in the refrigerator; that Faye Emerson once kept a date waiting an hour and a half while she finished a book; and that Bill Cullen flunked glee club, typing, woodshop, and (for playing hooky) an entire semester.

This episode has not been reviewed.  Details come from alternate sources, including thumbnail descriptions of the episodes in GSN documentation.  Except where noted, “secrets” are not exact quotes.