151     August 31, 1955
Bill, Laraine Day, Henry, Faye

Don McNeill hosts

Harry Moses: “My grandmother is Grandma Moses” 
Anna Mary Robinson Moses was known by her family as “Grandma Moses” long before she started a late-in-life career as an artist.  She and her rustic and primitive paintings were wildly popular in the 1940s and 1950s, despite (or perhaps due to) the fact that she didn’t really begin taking painting seriously until 1938 at the age of 78.  At the time of this Secret, Moses is 95 and still producing art.  She would live to be 101 years old.   

Evelyn Hayes of Allentown, Pa: “I ate fried worms for lunch today” 
Mrs. Hayes is employed by an Allentown department store to taste and sell exotic foods such as the aforementioned fried worms, chocolate covered ants, and larks stuffed with cream of truffled goose liver.  After the game, the panel is offered their choice of hamburgers, one of which has been prepared with fried worms.   

Special Guest Jean-Pierre Aumont adds a gesture to every ‘yes’ answer.

This episode has not been reviewed.  Details come from alternate sources, including thumbnail descriptions of the episodes in GSN documentation.  Except where noted, “secrets” are not exact quotes.