128     March 23, 1955
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Catherine Boyle

Catherine Boyle, usually billed as “Katie”, is an Italian-born British actress and television personality.  She would become a frequent game show panelist on a variety of British programmes for decades, including their 1956 version of I've Got a Secret , and would be best known for hosting the popular Eurovision Song Contest four times between 1960 and 1974.   

Florence Kelly from Milwaukee, WI: “I taught Liberace to play the piano” 
The flamboyant entertainer, a household name in 1955, was a child prodigy, but was always quick to acknowledge the efforts of his teachers.  Florence Bettray Kelly, an accomplished concert pianist and composer in her own right, was his first professional teacher when Liberace was seven years old.  He would set aside a “seat of honor” for Kelly whenever he would perform in Milwaukee.   

[Johnny] Francis: “In ONE DAY on our farm… 3 cows had calves…The mare had a colt…The sow had 11 pigs…The cat had 4 kittens…and I was born”
A clip from this secret was shown on the fourth anniversary show [ E192 ].  This secret is an exact quote. A Ripley's Believe It Or Not cartoon that appeared in newspapers in January, 1944 attributes the birth to a "Mrs Oscar Francis" but doesn't give a year.  Another vintage newspaper article suggests it happened in 1921 in Franklin, Texas, making Mr Francis about 34 years old here, but that article does not identify the family by name.   

Special Guest Elsa Lanchester is responding to the panel’s questions using the same answers that Johnny Francis gave in the earlier game 
Another celebrity “Secret” that barely made sense.  Lanchester leapt to fame as the title character in Bride of Frankenstein (1935) but that was just one early role in a long and varied career, mostly in showy but smaller supporting roles.  She appeared in a total of twelve films with her husband, Charles Laughton.

This episode has not been reviewed.  Details come from alternate sources, including thumbnail descriptions of the episodes in GSN documentation.  Except where noted, “secrets” are not exact quotes.