34     April 16, 1953
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Laraine Day

Joseph R. Davis of Whitestone, Long Island: “I issued girdles to WACS (during World War II)” 
The Women’s Army Corps was the female branch of the US Army at a time when society might not have been completely ready for women in military roles, hence the reduction of their contribution to silly jokes like this one.  Popular culture of the 1950s was full of similar examples.  The WAC remained a separate and distinct part of the US Army until 1978, when it was disbanded and its personnel integrated with male servicemen.   

Father Robert Greene of Indiana: “I was a prisoner of the Chinese Reds” 
Father Greene served as a missionary in China during WWII and beyond.  When Communist forces took over in 1950, Father Greene was first subject to house arrest inside his mission, and later jailed and tortured, before being banished from China in 1952.  He is the author of Calvary in China, which Garry promotes at the end of the segment.   

Special Guest Charles Coburn: “I’m going to squirt the panel with a water pistol” 
Coburn was frequently recognized for his trademark monocle.  The Georgia-born actor’s career of dignified supporting roles, mostly in comedies, gave audiences the mistaken belief he was English.  His sophistication on screen what made his whimsical Secret amusing to the studio audience.  He won an Oscar for The More the Merrier (1943) and appears on this show to promote Trouble Along the Way (1953).