625     November 22, 1965 (Taped November 15)
Betsy, Bill, Bess, Henry

Mr X: “I’ve been a professional baseball player for forty years…I’m Satchel Paige”                 
Paige is 59 years old here and had recently been signed to pitch in a single major league game with the Kansas City Athletics, which he did on September 25.  His last appearance in the majors had been twelve years earlier, but he had stayed active barnstorming and playing minor league ball.  Paige’s pro career started in 1926 with the Chattanooga White Sox.  In a segregated era, he played the vast majority of his career in the Negro Leagues.  In 1971 he would become the first Negro League player to be enshrined in Baseball’s Hall-of-Fame.   

Nurse Helene Rerat from Bellmore, Long Island and Dr. Peter Bulle from Washington delivered a baby together: “We were 100 miles apart at the time.”  Rerat: “The mother and I were in an airplane over the Atlantic” and Bulle: “I supervised the delivery from another airplane”                 
Mrs. Albert (Helga) Herzog gave birth July 23 at 39,000 feet on a Lufthansa flight between Labrador and Newfoundland.  Rerat assisted stewardess Ria Bernbach with the delivery, following radioed instructions from Dr. Bulle, who was on a nearby Lufthansa flight.  The baby was named Barbara Lufthansa Herzog.                   

Special guest Ethel Merman brings xylophones with numbered keys for the panel to play.  They play notes from numbered cards and try to recognize the simple melodies. Without the lengths of the notes to help them, no one on the panel can recognize any of the songs chosen for them to play.  The same game goes better in 1967 (E672).