439     June 28, 1961 (Taped June 6)
Bill, Betsy, Henry, Bess

This is the first of seven new but previously recorded shows to give them fresh content all summer.  This would be the last time the show would use videotape in this way.  Starting next summer, they just aired reruns.

Louise Mahru from Brandywine Senior High School in Wilmington, Delaware: “I read this book from cover to cover…in less than an hour” 
The book is Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind, which clocks in at about 475,000 words.  Louise is a graduate of the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Institute.  The Evelyn Wood program would be advertised heavily on television on the 60s and 70s.  Steve Allen was among the celebrity spokespeople.  At its peak, there were nearly 200 branch “Institutes” throughout North America.  Mrs. Wood is in the audience.   

Kathleen MacEwan from Westbury, Long Island was aided by Nassau County emergency responders because “My finger was stuck in a bowling ball” 
Workers had to drill the bowling ball in half to extricate the 15-year-old’s middle finger, a process which took an hour and a half.   

Special Guest Jerry Lewis performs scenes with the panelists, who try to keep a straight face during his antics.  Lewis has just produced, directed, written and starred in The Ladies Man (1961) one of several solo projects he produced after his partnership with Dean Martin dissolved in 1956.  Though not as fondly remembered today as other Lewis films, The Ladies Man is noteworthy as the source of the signature Lewis line, “Hey, Lady!”