318     January 7, 1959
Bill, Bess, Henry, Betsy

Garry the weatherman: “Welcome on this cold, cold evening in New York City”   

Dr. Coover from Kingsport, Tennessee: “I’m going to lift Garry up in the air on this wire…with one drop of glue” 
While working for Eastman Kodak, Harry Coover discovered by accident the adhesive that would become known to the public under the brand name Super Glue.  Originally marketed under the name “Eastman 910” and known scientifically as cyanoacrylate, this is the first public demonstration of its remarkable adhesive properties.  At the time of this demonstration, the product is not even available to the public.  Coover and his team held some 460 patents for a variety of products.   

Bill McIntyre from Navasota, Texas: “I became a U.S. Senate page boy today” 
This is the first day of the new Senate, and therefore young Mr. McIntyre’s first day on the job.  The 17-year-old Texan’s accent delights Garry and the panel.  A more senior page, Fritz “Duke” Zeller, appears to explain the program in more detail.  Zeller would later write a book detailing his experiences as public relations director for the Teamsters union. 

Special Guest Sal Mineo: “Gene Krupa is in the audience judging this contest” 
Each panelist has been set up with a drum kit, and the contest is to see how well each plays the drums while asking their questions.  Mineo is working on the film The Gene Krupa Story (1959) in which he will star as the legendary drummer. Krupa performs over the closing credits.