31     March 5, 1953
Bill, Jayne, Henry, Faye

[Alice Shaw] of Rockville Centre (NY): “I have 5 sets of twins” 
Wacky childbirth.  Not only does she have five sets of twins, but another eight children for a total of 18.    

Mr. Duggar from upstate New York: “I discovered Aureomycin” 
Aureomycin was part of a wave of “miracle drugs” discovered during and immediately after World War II which revolutionized the medical treatment of infection.  Botanist Dr. Benjamin Duggar discovered it in 1945 after testing thousands of soil samples for mold.  Unlike penicillin, Aureomycin could be taken orally, and was effective in treating diseases that did not respond to other medications.  Dr. Duggar made his discovery at age 72, and was 80 at the time of this appearance.    

Special Guest Diana Lynn: “I’m wearing Bill Cullen’s wife’s wedding ring” 
Lynn was a child prodigy at the piano and a juvenile actress before maturing into adult roles, usually in comedies.  She is probably best remembered for making three films with the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, including My Friend Irma (1949), the duo’s film debut.    

Leo Mattersdorf: “I figure out Einstein’s income tax”                  
A timely Secret, with the tax deadline looming.  In addition to that clever bit of notoriety, Mattersdorf was an amateur astronomer who published a book on the subject, which Einstein proofread.